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Short Description
Stone has served as Juror for several Arizona Art Exhibitions. She has conducted many painting demonstrations, one-day adult watermedia workshops and several children’s drawing and painting classes. She has been very involved in the artist community in many ways. Her most meaningful service includes being the Chairman of Contemporary Watercolorists of Arizona from 2002 to 2004, Chairman of the Arizona Watercolor Association National Watercolor Exhibition 2000 and Co-Chair of the 1999 Arizona Watercolor Association National Exhibition.
Long Description

Hazel Stone paints in a style that is unique, innovative and complex. Her subject matter may begin with realistic images, but may also include imaginary, whimsical or abstract forms. By combining multiple images, subjects and symbols, then paints revealing them on many levels or from different viewpoints, unexpected results are obtained. The artist likes to explore the unusual, unexpected and mystifying aspects of life, often with exciting results. She works primarily in watercolor, acrylic, mixed media, collage and ink. Her love of color clariclassty and excitement is always present. With images that originate from a wide range of personal experiences, she presents a challenge to the viewers to bring their own personal experiences into play and connect with the painting.

Hazel Stone is a Signature Member of the Taos National Society of Watercolorists, the Philadelphia Water Color Society, the International Society of Experimental Artists, the Contemporary Watercolorists of Arizona, the Arizona Watercolor Association, the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society, the Northwest Watercolor Society, Arizona Aqueous, the Kansas Watercolor Society, the Pikes Peak Watercolor Society, the Texas Watercolor Society, Red River Watercolor Society, Mississippi Watercolor Society, Western Colorado Watercolor Society, Missouri Watercolor Society and California Watercolor Association. Her Biographical Listing is included in Who’s Who of American Women, Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the West. Her paintings have been published in several publications.

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