Arizona Consortium for the Arts

Arizona Consortium for the Arts
Short Description
Our vision is to build a multi-cultural arts center with an open door policy! We are seeking an existing building or will build a new facility for a theater, gallery, art studios, classroom space and a cafe. The Gallery will host art exhibits by Arizona artists. The art studios will have working spaces for individual artists. There will be rooms dedicated to state-of-the-art painting and life drawing, ceramics, photography darkroom, sculpting, printmking, recording studio, dance studio and jewelry design. The Center will have space for writers and poets to read their work. The theater will have a schedule for community theater, musicians and performance groups to have a place to rehearse and perform. We will offer classes by the finest regional professional teachers and artists.
Long Description

Arizona Consortium for the Arts, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, all volunteer, community organization. The consortium's vision is to establish a multicultural, multidisciplinary arts space/center with an open door policy. The center will provide a home for all activities and foster artistic growth for people of all ages through the participation in the arts. It will be a home for many wonderful community organizations and groups, creative and innovative activities and projects representing and celebrating our diverse community.

We are dedicated to creating a connection with our community and provide a platform for social bridging through artistic, cultural and educational events. We inspire, engage, involve, give voices and visibility, celebrate, and connect our communities by providing innovative programs, activities and publications.

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